Their Worm Dieth Not

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Good Morning R____,

All I can say is that God is indeed showing you what “comparing spiritual with spiritual” means. What a wonderful revelation! I think you know that your Baptist minister friend will probably not get this, but God used that man, just as he has used ministers in my life to cause us to dig deeper into the wells of living water.

Rom 11:30  For as ye in times past have not believed God, yet have now obtained mercy through their unbelief:
Rom 11:31  Even so have these also now not believed, that through your mercy they also may obtain mercy.

It is through their unbelief, and the challenges which that unbelief presents to us, that we “obtain mercy.” And it will be “through our mercy”, through the patience we will show to them in the lake of fire, that they will be saved.
To carry this revelation just one step farther this reveals that the book of Jonah ends with Jonah still in the lake of fire. I always thought that the book of Jonah had such a strange ending. Now I understand why. Jonah ends with Jonah having the idols of his heart being burned out of him.
The title for my talk in Salisbury is How Do We Compare Spiritual With Spiritual? This will help me to make that point.
Thank you for sharing another part of the revelation of Jesus Christ with me. I feel like the most blessed man on earth with you and others like you as my friends and brothers in Christ.


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