Freed From The Law of Sin and Death
Posted June 12, 2005
I want to thank the lord of glory (the God of all comfort) for his comforting words from the the true, able ministers of the spirit (intoxication) of the new wine put in NEW WINE SKINS. Our father in heaven, the GIVER of every PERFECT Gift (HEAVENLY), in whom is no SHADOW (Moses’ law) of turning (EARTHLY), has led me by his SPIRIT to your site.
I have been wasting my time (Eph 5:13-18) drinking the OLD wine for 24 years in the law of Moses, keeping laws as a bondservant child under Hagar (the schoolmaster), understanding the perfect way of my corrupt fathers. I kept Abib 1, Abib 7, Tishri 10 (fasting faithfully). I kept every new moon as a sabbath, not allowing any of my employees to WORK, as well as the weekly ordinances preparing my meals on the 6th day (with no salvation). Believe me, it was NO FEAST OF JOY OR CHARITY! I was privileged to understand the SHADOW and be under the wings of the ALMIGHTY. I kept every LAW of HOLY DAYS in Leviticus 23 and Numbers 28 and 29! I kept the conjunction of the new moon (the moon is veiled by Christ). I gave tithes of all I possessed!
I prayed for the sick and fasted for the infirm! I was anointed with oil; my cup of old wine overflowed, spilling on my garments! The Lord guided my every step; they were smooth as butter. He now has revealed his SON OF THE FREEWOMAN!
Where no atonement tax is to be paid by me; where the tithe of oil, wine, honey, and milk and thy firstling were provided as well as ALL my SAVIOR’S OATHS (vows were paid!) All I could do was bring a blemished FREE WILL Offering lamb (MYSELF) on the altar of FIRE shared by the people and priests and the ETERNAL as a MEAL (FEAST). This by far represents my savior that was MARRED for me more than ANY MAN. Isa 52:14 It pleased my GOD to bruise him for my Spiritual sins and mar him for me as well as ALL OTHERS (greater GOOD). I now suffer with him, being nailed with him, DYING the death of the law; that I may now LIVE by his WORDS and not Moses’ that FAILED TO SANCTIFY by smiting the ROCK and did not enter his physical rest but will enter the spiritual one (Heb 11:23-29/39-40) after God has prepared something BETTER for US that THEY WITHOUT US should not be made perfect wait for the PROMISE OF FAITH!
Now I bear in my body the MARKS and marring of my lord. I am now DEAD to the LAW of moses (I count it as dung that I may WIN the HIGH calling = THE LAW OF CHRIST)! This was done by the MASTER POTTER, because he knows my hardened heart that he has now made into a heart of FLESH TO LOVE ALL PEOPLE, not just my brethren.
I was marked by my former brothers (put in the pit) as AN ENEMY OF CHRIST because I would not adhere to traditions of men OR drink the smooth old wine! By my wave sheaf REVELATIONS, MY SHEAF WAS LIFTED ABOVE MY BROTHERS, AND THEY DID NOT YET BOW BEFORE IT. My old wine skin was rent by my brothers, and all the old wine was spilled, and I was delivered to the pit (my coat of many nations was stripped, stained in blood, THE WORD OF GOD). It was there (in the pit) that I SAW THE WONDERS OF GOD IN THE DEEP (WHERE COULD I GO FROM HIS SPIRIT?)! It was there I found A NEW WINE SKIN. IT was there That I could sink no LOWER! It was there He LIFTED me to the HIGH PLACES OF JACOB! There has been New wine I now drink with him NOW IN HIS KINGDOM; THE NAZARITE VOW IS OVER FOR BOTH OF us. I have shaved my head and burnt the hair of Jerusalem (WOMAN’s vow/APOSTATE/church in the wilderness of sin!) I can now perform his oath (I can do all things through CHRIST WHICH STRENGTHENS THE SHORN on the altar of his DIVINE MERCY). NOW IS A DAY OF SALVATION FOR ME!
Your brother in CHRIST, NAILED and marred WITH HIM bearing his marks! Please correct me in mercy, brother. (His slave: it’s the 7th year of release; I’ve become his slave forever and an awl of hearing has been pierced through my uncircumcised ear; now I can hear the spirit.)
(Please be mindful of my tears for my brethren.) ANY ADVICE? If I have spoken with unclean {uncircumcised} lips, feel free to put a coal of the altar to purify my speech. I will go and preach. Please send me! Isa 6:1-8 I LOVE THEM DEARLY. I have recovered from my blindness, hearing! I now desire the meat, for I have been weaned from the milk of the breasts.
No, T____,
I re-read your letter, looking to see if you had mis-spoken or were lacking in some point. You tell a very familiar story similar to everyone who attends our conferences. It is the story of all of God’s elect. It is always somewhat different, yet it is always the same. I love to hear that story. I love to hear it in all of its variations.
If I felt any need to “correct you,” you can bet it would be “in mercy.” I see no such need in this letter.
I would only say that Paul spent 13 years in Arabia and in Tarsus, preparing for the work for which God had separated him. I do not know your age, but you asked, “Any advice?” That is my advice. Take time to know God’s word before you begin preaching it to others.
I hope to hear from you again,
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