Tags archives: Christian Behavio(u)r

  • Hey Mike, I was wondering if you could give me some scripture and explanation for a few questions I have that have been on my mind a lot lately: How do we know we are elect? Can you explain the mean of "the brothers who give their father an evil report"? How do we interact with those in Babylon? How... [read more]
  • Mike, It's a testament to God's grace because for the last two months I have been asking God to strip me of pagan doctrines and burn out of me anything that does not align with His truth, and as of late, he has torn down many doctrines I held and showed me the truth. God truly is sovereign! So I gue... [read more]
  • Hello, I have a new question. I am often called upon to pray for people in my congregation. As I am reading and coming to an understanding of the things you speak about on your site (I don't understand/ agree with it all, but my eyes are opening to much of what is taught on your site), I'm start... [read more]
  • Hello, I came across your website a few months ago when doing an online search for "type and shadow" (I forget what the specific type and shadow I was looking for though!) I have really enjoyed and been blessed by what is written. I still don't understand it all and some of it I still don't have the... [read more]
  • Hi Mike, Just want to know the spiritual significance of Ezekiel chapter 23. This is how I understand it. The two sisters: the younger one being us when we first left Babylon, newly borne into the Spirit, (with refers to Amo 5:1-6) ... and the older sister being; ... have grown in the Spirit exposed... [read more]
  • Greetings brother Mike, If you don't mind would you please answer a question for me that has me a little puzzled and concerned. With so much to learn and comprehendabout Gods Word through Scripture and your teachings, [ and I'm doing just that], just how does one go about "living by every word" whil... [read more]
  • Hi Mike: Question for you. I told my husband about five months ago that I would no longer be attending church with him because of the doctrinal differences between our beliefs. However, I am wondering if it is okay to attend church with him and my children. I really miss the family dynamic and the ... [read more]
  • Hi Mike, I hope all is well with you? My question to you is this: is it possible for someone to have a pentecostal experience like the disciples had on the day of Pentecost and fall (or at least backslide; fall away or backslide may be the same; not sure?) away from the Lord? Like a dog who retur... [read more]
  • Audio Links Download Part 1 [audio:http://iswasandwillbe.com/audio/FloweryBranch/What_Is_The_Hope_That_Lies_Within_You.mp3]   [jwplayer config="Out-of-the-Box" file="http://iswasandwillbe.com/video/Flash/Mobile_AL/2010/What_Is_The_Hope_That_Lies_Within_You.flv"] 1Pe 3:15 But sa... [read more]
  • Dear Mike Vinson, I really wish I could just email you with a "How are you and your family doing?" I'm sorry I take up so much of your time with my issues because I feel guilty. I just can't always know where to go myself instead of bothering you all the time. I have had issues with really feeling ... [read more]