Works Versus Obedience

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Hi A____,

I am so happy I was able to provide you with a little humor. As you say, this is a matter of life and death, but having come through that very spirit myself in my own Pentecostal days, it does now seem incredulous that any of us could have been so blind.
I especially appreciated your “personal satellite system for each believer… below and above what is written”.
How right you are; “a root of schism if ever there was one”.
I am so happy you are blessed to be able to spend some time with your father. You will be blessed for doing so.
I am copying this to D____ for his edification. I know it will be encouraging for him to see that others are being blessed by his efforts to withstand the heresies he is confronting.

God bless you.
Your brother in Christ,

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