Works Versus Obedience
Good day Mike,
I am just taking a few minutes off looking after my dad, and having just caught up on the recent FAQ exchange with D____ and Gary, I have just been laughing for the past hour. I feel I must ask you to extend my Love to D___! What a powerful witness, what admonitions of truth!
Though as D__ says, it is a matter of life and death, but sometimes what these brothers come up with is just pure comedy! I mean, an ” INNER GUIDANCE” system based on “MY anointing”??? A personal SATELLITE NAVIGATION for each believer… below and above what is written… a root of schism if ever I saw one!
So funny I had to read 3-4 times to believe somebody actually believed and wrote that!
Nevertheless, I remember fully well my Mother and my first GREAT argument and fight when I first began to tell her of the false spirits and so- called anointing in the church. It was the same exact spirit ‘Gary’ exhibited, but the Lord has brought her to a point where at least she now acknowledges that she knows nothing, let alone the Doctrine of Christ! I have no doubt the same will be accomplished in due time with Gary Sigler, Des and their flocks.
A great lesson to us all in that exchange. I am spending some time with my Dad and on some Sundays we are studying the notes on Rev 14, we give thanks to the Father that “the true Light now shineth” (1Jn2v8).
Thank you for posting that exchange on the site. Brings more light to my day.Your brother,
Hi A____,
I am so happy I was able to provide you with a little humor. As you say, this is a matter of life and death, but having come through that very spirit myself in my own Pentecostal days, it does now seem incredulous that any of us could have been so blind.
I especially appreciated your “personal satellite system for each believer… below and above what is written”.
How right you are; “a root of schism if ever there was one”.
I am so happy you are blessed to be able to spend some time with your father. You will be blessed for doing so.
I am copying this to D____ for his edification. I know it will be encouraging for him to see that others are being blessed by his efforts to withstand the heresies he is confronting.
God bless you.
Your brother in Christ,
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