Train Up A Child In The Way He Should Go

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Hi B____,

Thank you for your question. I can appreciate what you are going through because I have had the same struggles.
As far as your children needing to go into Babylon is concerned, believe me when I tell you that they do not need to attend a church to “go into Babylon.” We confront Babylon by simply being in this world, talking with our neighbors, reading books and papers, watching TV, etc. So please do not think that you must send your children to church so they can come out of Babylon. There is no great sin in allowing your children to attend church with their friends though, as long as you arm them with the truth first at home.
If you have a 10 year old son, you need to be having daily Bible readings with your children of all ages. That is what you need more than anything else. Give your children God’s Truth, then give them to God and “when they are old they will not depart from that truth.”

Pro 22:6  Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Christ and His doctrine is that ‘way’. Take time with all of your children, and make certain that they know that the Christ of scripture is not the monster of orthodoxy. I have often said that quality time is quantity time, so take time to read and explain God’s Word with your children. Read the Bible systematically. It is a great investment in your children, but it should also be done on a daily basis with your wife. If you do this you will have nothing to worry about if your child goes to church with a friend or confronts the doctrines of Babylon in any situation.
After arming your children with the Truth, leave the rest to God, but take the time to “train up your children in the way they should go.”
I hope this is of some edification to you. I admire and appreciate your stand for Christ.

Your brother in Christ,

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