Tags archives: Holy Spirit/Holy Ghost

  • Hi Mike, I have a question?  Reading "The tempting of mankind" I found this sentence: The dust spoken of in Genesis is "the spirit that dwelleth in us which lusteth to envy" (Jas 4:5). Can you please tell me where you found this translation, because when I read KJV or the Dutch most used transl... [read more]
  • Hi Mike, How does the Spirit of Christ in the prophets relate to the Comforter?  1Pe 1:10  Concerning which salvation the prophets sought and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you: 1Pe 1:11  searching what time or what manner of time the Spirit o... [read more]
  • Thank you much for your prayers. I am going over the many articles you have written on the subject  of the trinity.  One thing I haven't found is an article on "What is the Holy Spirit".  My current reply to this question is the Holy Spirit is the mind, thoughts, character&n... [read more]
  • Mike  The church I was in before failed to see comparing spiritual with spiritual by the physical. Jesus is the head that came out first, (born). The body of The Christ is to be born later at the first resurrection.  But in order to be born, there has to be a begettal. What is it that... [read more]
  • A____ wrote: Hello Mike, I pray you and your family are doing well. I have a question about the Spirit that descended like a dove. Is this the "Holy Spirit"?  And is John saying he saw the Spirit? I have been asked this question by someone, and I am not ready with an answer.... [read more]
  • Thank you again for answering my emails. I am not able to get past the flesh of Christ not to have sinned. In one of your responses to the emails that were sent to you by others, you kind of dismissed the notion of immaculate birth. I cannot get the wording of scriptures right, but Paul mentioned s... [read more]
  • Look at this verse: Joh 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. Now according to what "the many" teach, Christ completely left out a very important "person" in this stateme... [read more]
  • Mr Vinson, I just read your article on the trinity doctrine, and I was a little confused. Maybe I'm just too carnal to understand. If you could help me understand what I didn't get in the article, I would be very grateful. GOD be with you, D____ Hi D____, Thank you for your question. What is it th... [read more]
  • [Questions concerning the God-head have been around within God's church since the death of the apostles, and they will no doubt continue until Christ's return.] Belief in a Triune God-head has been declared by some to be one of the required beliefs to which one must confess to avoid the label "cult... [read more]