Tags archives: Heaven

  • Audio Download Rev 4:6-7 The Four Beasts - Part 2B In our last study we covered the first two of five differences between the descriptions of the four beasts of Ezekiel one and Ezekiel 10. In this study we will cover the last three of those differences. Third Difference: The feet of the cherub... [read more]
  • Will Satan and His Angels Be Saved? Hi T____, You ask: "Doesn't the bible say God doesn't help angels (that would include the devil, yes?) The answer is, "No, nowhere does the Bible say that God will not save angels, which are also called "principalities and powers" which are constantly accusing ... [read more]
  • Hey, I'm having a hard time understanding the lake of fire and what it will consist of for the ones that will have to partake of it. I hope I'm not one of them. I try really hard to understand God's word, and I am a believer, but there are some sins in my life that I can't, by myself, just stop ... [read more]