11 years ago
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[audio:http://iswasandwillbe.com/audio/Foundational_themes_in_Genesis/Genesis Study-09-Genesis - Part 9.mp3]
The book of Genesis, and especially the first two chapters, is for some a very basic and broad description of the physical creation wi... [read more]
11 years ago
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[audio:http://iswasandwillbe.com/audio/Foundational_themes_in_Genesis/Genesis Study-13-Genesis - Part 13.mp3]
Foundational Themes in Genesis - Part 13
Key verses: Gen 2:5-8, 15
Earthy man was formed from the same ground as all the other th... [read more]
13 years ago
Hey Mike,
Do you believe in a New Earth (Thousands of years old) or an old Earth (Billions of years old)? I think you inferred in one of your email responses that the Earth is thousands of years old, but I wasn't sure.
Also are we allowed to try to interpret the stars? I read an article by the lat... [read more]
15 years ago
Dear Mike,
I am blessed to no longer teach Science in public schools as I, like many of your readers, have searched for an answer to our creation and time frame of history.
I've read everything you've written more than once and yesterday was reading your responses about the "Creation Week" and the... [read more]