The Truth About Satan

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I have posted an article entitled After The Counsel Of His Own Will. The title is taken from Eph 1:11, which says that all things are done after the counsel of God’s own will. This is in accord with all other scriptures, like Rom 9:16: … It is not of him who wills, nor of him who races, but of God, the Merciful.

Satan is as much a creation of God as we are. 1Co 15:25 tells us that Christ will put all His enemies under his feet. This would certainly include Satan. The orthodox teaching that Isa 14 refers to Satan is in error, because we are told in verse 4 that it is actually referring to the king of Babylon. The orthodox teaching that Ezekiel 28 refers to Satan is equally in error, because we are told in that chapter that it is addressed to the king of Tyre. Both of these men die and go to their graves. They say in their hearts that they will be like God, but they will be brought down to their graves.

The truth about Satan, according to our Lord himself, is that he was a liar and a murderer from the beginning (Joh 8:44), not some time after the beginning. Consequently, he was created as a vessel of dishonor, straight from the hand of the creator for the purpose of being a satan, which means adversary. God needed an adversary for his purposes. Consequently, it is incumbent upon a loving Father, Who is also the Father of Satan, to redeem his entire creation. Php 2:10 and Rev 5:13 make it clear that all of creation will glorify God in the end.

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