The Priests of Egypt
Hi Mike,
I was on my way to work the other day meditating on the word, and God brought me to the beginning when Adam was naming all the animals of the kingdom, and I thought “what in the world is the ‘is, was and will be’ of this?” I mean what’s so spiritual about this, and it hit me after about a minute. The beasts like that of the air, sea and land are doctrines of evil spirits like the birds that pick at the flesh of the man. Also, just as some beasts of the field are stronger and faster than others, so too, some of these have such a stranglehold on man. Soooooooo the “is” part is that today man is still naming these beasts whether it was the trinity, eternal torment or rapture. Of course the “was” part is they always have and will continue to tickle their ears until Christ puts an end to all flesh.
Also, I have been wanting to write to you as well on the question that you posed on one of your audios about what was represented by all the land being given to Pharoah except for the priests’ land given to the priests. I would like to take a stab at this. Pharoah represents the Father of whom all things are, Joseph of course is the Lord by who all things are. The land represents our flesh. Joseph was brought up from birth to save Egypt from famine even those in distant lands. Joseph was given power and authority over all Egypt except the throne. And Joseph did save all the land just as Christ did on the cross, but for a select few the elect out of the many called, out of the sea of mankind, there was given them power over their flesh. In essence they were given the promise of “sin does not have dominion over me”; they basically owned the land. Of course this is all with the exception of ONE, the Father.
If this is wrong or a bit confusing, then please explain to me where I am wrong as I want to get it right. Also I do apologize for not putting any scripture in as I am at work and have no bible handy.
Your brother,
Hi K____,
Thank you for pointing these things out to me. You are right on target about the priests and their land. These priests were as pagan as was Pharaoh, but in type they represent those whose land and food are given them of Pharaoh, who in type represents the Father.
Gen 47:22 Only the land of the priests bought he not; for the priests had a portion assigned them of Pharaoh, and did eat their portion which Pharaoh gave them: wherefore they sold not their lands.
The fact that the “priests… sold not their land” but were priests while Joseph ruled Egypt, tells us that these are in type, “kings and priests” with Christ while he rules.
These priests typify the same thing Benjamin typifies. They are given their meat of Pharaoh just as Benjamin is fed more and clothed more and given more silver than his brothers.
I had never even considered the spiritual significance of Adam naming all the beasts. But again, you must be right on, since the beasts and the fowl both represent spiritual wickedness against which we do battle:
Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places].
Again, thank you for sharing with me what the Lord shares with you. Believe me, if I did not see what you see, I would let you know. I know you would do the same for me.
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