Tags archives: Rightly Divide

  • Mike, Thanks for your reply. I have two more questions: How did you know that the ESV's translation of Psa 119:160 is the most accurate? 2) What Bible translation would you recommend? L____ Hi L____, You ask two questions: I have two more questions: 1) How did you know that the ESV's tran... [read more]
  • Mike, I listened to your last study on job, and I have a few questions. I am sure you have the answers somewhere on your website, but it will take much time to read everything. Do you believe the book of revelation is going on right now and we (Christians) have been going through the tribulation sin... [read more]
  • Dear Mike, Here's one of those questions that everyone is afraid to ask. Please explain Joh 11:26 since we know that all the ones hearing this statement died. More questions: Here in Arkansas, there is an amendment on the ballot to make it illegal for "gays" to marry. My question is, won't tha... [read more]
  • Dear Mike, I found this by searching my web. I found things in this material I never knew before. I want very much to learn more about God's truths. I want to come out of this Babylon system. Could you help me to study more about the Word and God's truths. I want to experience true freedom that onl... [read more]
  • Hello Mike Concerning your e- mail and article about your understanding of the Godhead; I have read it and believe I grasp your view, although I'm not sure I agree with you. Even as you wrote, I am willing to have my understanding change if I am wrong. I wouldn't believe in the Trinity simply becau... [read more]
  • Hi Mike, Do you think it will be a delusion if I discovered that God has granted me a certain gift; spiritual or physical? Or maybe it's an idol of the heart? God is the creator of things. I don't believe in dreams, doctrines of the world, idols, observing of months, days or festivals. God has grant... [read more]
  • Mike, Thanks for your last response. I saved it. Has a Jehovah's Witness ever come to your house? If so, what did you say to them? J____ Hi J____, Thank you for your question asking what is do when Jehovah's Witnesses come to your house? They have been here twice in the 27 years I have lived here. T... [read more]
  • Mike, I know your time is limited, but I would appreciate it if you would comment on what my friend said. His Quote: 1Co 13:4 I was reading this quote online, and it's probably one of the most popular and well known passages there is. Point is: There are 82 different versions of the bible you can... [read more]
  • Will God's 'Strong Delusion' Deceive You? by Mike Vinson [Here is a link for an audio reading of this article] 2Th 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: This verse of scripture is an enigma to most Christians. They cannot believe that God wo... [read more]
  • Mike, I grew up a Catholic and then fell away from that, and my sister- in- law convinced me to go to a Pentecostal church for awhile where I received the holy Spirit and spoke in tongues. I never really had any feelings that I should even try and speak in tongues after that. But when I spoke in to... [read more]