Church In Kenya
1st Exchange
Faith Adventist Ministry wrote:
Dear beloved Brother,
Thank you very much for your letter. I am so happy for your good encouragement and prayers for us. May God bless you for the great love you have to us. Thank you for receiving my letter and replying to it with wonderful love. May God bless you and give you more understanding.
Brother, I Thank God so much and praise his name more and more because of revealing this message to me and my group. Surely, we Love God and fear him. We have surrendered our life to Jesus and work for him in this truth of the word of God [ to bring] many to us, to inherit the kingdom of God. We have separated from the darkness to work in the light, my brother.
Let me tell you my brother, I have really enjoyed hearing from you. I appreciate your encouragement and the verses from the new testament and old testament. I am very happy in the truth of the word of God and faith. I know that God is going to use us to accomplish a great work for him. I trust in God to use us as true followers of Jesus. Yet, my brother, so many men are still keeping an outward sabbath.
So my Brother, help us to know the truth. Brother, I want more encouragement from you to tell us of the Bible, because many are lost and are simply keeping a day. The group told me, you are the light brother, to work with him this work of God here in Kenya.
Your beloved brother in Christ,
Pastor S_____
Hi brother S_____,
I honestly can think of nothing that would help you to come to know Christ better than to read the paper ‘The Law Of Moses Versus The Law Of The Spirit,’ on the web site. It is a long paper, but it deals with this subject in depth and is based upon the scriptures. It will help you to come to truly know Christ as few do.
Remember the very definition of ‘eternal life is:
Joh 17:3 “And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.”
Let me hear from you S_____.
Your brother in Christ,
Mike Vinson
2nd Exchange
S_____ wrote:
Dear brother Mike,
Thank you so much for the wonderful teaching through your letter. I am very happy and touched with what God has revealed to you. Brother, your desire and my desire is to please our God who made heaven and earth. Surely brother, what the Bible tells us in Heb 8:9-10, and when we look at Jer 31:31-34, teaches that we are not under the old commandments. Brothers have passed through many religious churches. When I found that S. D. A are just under the law of Moses, and the Bible is very clear, then I tried to share with some brethren about the law. We agreed together and now we are asking God to show us the way and know the truth of the Word of God. Surely Brother, we have been touched with the revelation God has given you. Surely no man should ever put new wine into old bottles.
The Bible tells us in Mathew 5:15, Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Jesus Christ gave us light. So we are not under the old commandments.
Brother Mike, God who joined us together has a purpose. And mostly, inside, He loves me because I have seen the light. God who opened your eyes, also has opened my innermost eye to the truth of the word of God. In Mark (7:7), and in vain they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men. I was very much touched with the discussion of Christ and Torah. Your exchange was so good.
Brother Mike, may God bless you so much for the work He has placed on your hands. I am happy to hear that you were with brothers and sister at Alabama. God is good and it is good to hear that many are hungry for the word of God. I am also very hungry to know the word. I am praying for the power of God to guide me to know more about Christ through reading more about the paper.
Brother Vinson, Christ came to set us free, not to put us in bondage again. Brother, I am praying to God, who has 100 ways to open many ways for you, me and those who want to know Christ better, to spread this message of the truth.
Brother, God is a God of miracles that can open a way for you to meet with us here in Kenya. It is God who joined us in corresponding. He never changes; He is the same yesterday, today and forever AMEN. So pray for that.
May God bless you. Pray for us very much, brother. Waiting to hear from you.
With much love,
Pastor S_____
Hi brother S_____,
It is thrilling to be able to help you. I am a mere remodeling contractor of meager means, but I will be glad to send you my writings. I have an extra copy of a book written over 150 years ago by Andrew Jukes, Types in Genesis. I am sending it along with my writings. I personally consider this book to be the best reading, outside of the Bible itself, that I have ever seen. I am sending seven copies of my discourse on the Torah, on ‘Rightly Dividing the Scriptures,’ as the apostles did that, and I am sending seven copies of ‘Strong Delusion.’
I have yet to get these printed so it will be several days getting there, but rest assured they will soon be on their way.
Brother S_____, I would love to come to Kenya to visit you, but that would truly take a miracle. You are right, God has joined us in corresponding. That is a miracle in itself. I would be interested to know how you learned of me? At any rate I will indeed ask God to allow me to come visit you some day. “We have not because we ask not”:
Jas 4:2 Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not.
If the Lord ever sends me to Kenya, it will certainly be for the purpose of ministering to our brothers there.
Stay in touch S_____.
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