Tags archives: Rejection

  • Hi Mike, I was hoping you could help me understand Act 16:21: Act 16:21 And set forth customs which it is not lawful for us to receive, or to observe, being Romans. Two words trouble me: 1. customs - does this pertain to the law since they say "it is not lawful" for us to receive? What customs are t... [read more]
  • Hey Mike, I've recently been awakened to a lot of truth your website and others like it teach. I'm a new Pastor, and my family and I have recently started a church. We are gonna have our first service in our newly rented building this coming up Sunday, and I am just wondering what your advice would ... [read more]
  • Get the audio Audio part 2 When you are in this world and you are given the opportunity from time to time to witness to people, the first thing that you are going to become aware of is that there are differences between what you believe and what other people believe. You won't be able to express the... [read more]
  • Sirs; I cannot begin to tell you how important your site is to me. I read it daily and have for quite a while. Unfortunately God has not blessed me with a mind that seems to hold these things for very long. Perhaps at 63 it is too much to expect, perhaps, the 70’s took their toll. Our pastor, ... [read more]
  • When we ask 'why', what we are really asking is "does man have a 'free will'". "Does man make 'free choices'?" No one denies that we make choices every day; "Will I take this job or that job?"; "What time will I get up?"; "Will I take time for breakfast?"; "Which food will I choose?"; "Which route w... [read more]
  • Mat 21:45 and Luk 14:1 tell us Jesus was talking to the "chief priests and Pharisees" in Mat 22. In Luk 14, the excuses given for not coming to the supper were "I have bought a piece of ground", "I have bought five yoke of oxen" and "I have married a wife". In response to these excuses, the "Lord" t... [read more]
  • Hi Mike, In Luk 4 we read this verse: Luk 4:23 And he said to them, Ye will surely say to me this parable, Physician, heal thyself; whatsoever we have heard has taken place in Capernaum do here also in thine own country. These people apparently heard of all the miracles Jesus was doing. They were no... [read more]
  • Get the audio What do you think the Bible means when it says ‘the world?’ Humanity? That’s what we all think, ‘you are not of the world.’ Isn’t that what it says? You have come out of the world. I am going to show you today that when the Bible uses the word &lsq... [read more]
  • Peace and Blessings to the Israel of God. Hello Mike, it was good to meet you at the conference in Dallas, and I look forward to continued fellowship. What are your thoughts on the following scripture as it relates to the 24 Elders of Revelation/Saints?  I haven't seen the scripture quoted on y... [read more]
  • Hi Mike and all of you at your link to truth; We have many friends of the called, but we find none of the chosen in our area. Your talk on the priests helps us to deal with the rejection of called. It is very difficult to converse about the word with people who refuse to read the word. It is not gi... [read more]
  • Hi Mike! This is something that I think you thought may happen to my friend when you read her paper I sent you some time ago! I don't know what to say, but I am concerned with her feelings! I have no thoughts like this about being better than or whatever she feels being apart of the Elect is! I can'... [read more]
  • Mike, God's own people are an unthankful lot. It is the outcasts, the Samaritans among them, who are grateful for what He is doing.  Sorry... I should have included the above sentence from your email below, in the previous message.  The Samaritans are the 'outcasts'.  They are not us,... [read more]